Company Setting

Marie C.

Last Update 2 years ago

To access your company settings, click on the Settings option and then select Company. If you wish to modify the company settings, such as changing the business name, click on the Business Name box. Once you have made the desired changes, click Save Settings to update the information. The new business name will be reflected in your website link, which will appear at the top left of the dashboard. Additionally, all email notifications will be sent using the updated name as the sender.

Company Logo

In your company settings, you have the ability to add or remove a company logo. To upload a new logo, select Choose Image, choose the desired image from your computer or mobile device, and click Save Settings. To remove a logo, click on the delete icon. Your company logo will be used in the header of your invoices and on the log-in page for your lawn care business website.

Please note that only owners have the authority to upload or remove the company logo. You can find more information about the defintetions of different user types by clicking here.

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