How does House of Yards App Work?

Marie C.

Last Update un anno fa

After you sign up for our subscription, get started with this basic setup. You're now ready to sign up new lawn care clients. There are 2 ways to create new jobs.

  1. Your clients in your service cities can now book a yard, or lawn care service online on your website.

  2. You can create a job inside the app manually.

In either case, once a new job is created, you and your clients both receive a job booking confirmation email automatically. The email contains important information of the job such as the service address, service type/frequency/date, service price, and additional comments. 

If it's an online booking, the job automatically goes to Not Assigned under Jobs in your dashboard. Click Show icon, Edit Job to assign a crew to the job. 

Once you subscribe to our House of Yards app, you can begin setting up your account and start taking on new lawn care clients. There are two ways to create new jobs within the app:

  1. Clients in your service cities can book yard and lawn care services through your website.
  2. You can manually create a job within the app.

When a new job is created, both you and your client will automatically receive a confirmation email with important job details such as the service address, type, frequency, date, price, and any additional comments. If the job was booked online, it will appear as Not Assigned under the Jobs tab on your dashboard. To assign a crew to the job, simply click the Show icon and select Edit Job

If a job remains unassigned, you will receive automatic hourly reminders until it is assigned to a crew.

Service Reminder

A service reminder will be automatically sent to the owner, admins, managers, and clients one day prior to the scheduled service.

Service day

Once the job is completed on the day of service, look up the job under Jobs. Click Show, Mark Complete, Approve Work, Charge Client (job paid by card) or Close Job (job paid by cash or check).

To help you keep track of client payments, if the card is declined, the job automatically goes to Card Declined under Jobs. If the cash/check payment hasn't been received, the job automatically goes to Unpaid.

After the completion of the job on the service day, navigate to the Jobs tab on the app and locate the relevant job. From there, you can select the Show option, which will allow you to mark the job as complete, approve the work that was done, and charge the client (if payment was made by card), or close the job (if payment was made by cash or check).

To simplify payment tracking, the app will automatically move the job to the Card Declined section if the card payment is declined, or to the Unpaid section if payment has not yet been received for cash or check payments.

In the case of a recurring job, the app will automatically schedule the next service for you.

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